Police and Federation News



Win a mini home makeover worth £3,500

Posted on 14 Jul 2017

First prize is a mini home makeover of a day's professional design consultancy from renowned interior designer and blogger, Karen Knox of Making Spaces, plus £3,500 towards recommended home products and local tradespeople....

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Funeral of PC1563 Gareth Browning from Thames Valley Police

Posted on 02 Jun 2017

Our chair of the Inspectors Board Rob Thorpe, accompanied our JBB Vice Chair, Mick Lynch to the funeral of PC1563 Gareth Browning from Thames Valley Police this week. Gareth was hit by a...

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Craven Police Charity Quiz and Auction - 3rd March 2017

Posted on 21 Feb 2017

Click here to view our Auction Prizes, and here to view our Quiz Poster, all for our Quiz and Auction night at the Rendezvous Hotel, Skipton.

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Officer Numbers & Welfare

Posted on 17 Feb 2017

Our branch board reps have recently discussed priorities for 2017, and high on the list is the need to regularly look at officer numbers as we move through 2017, negotiating with senior leaders...

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Sgt to Inspectors Board

Posted on 17 Feb 2017

North Yorkshire Police are currently going through a promotion board process for new Inspectors, looking both internally and externally. We are extremely pleased announce that after detailed discussions with senior leaders by Bill Burns...

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New Police Federation Chair elected for North Yorkshire Police Federation

Posted on 17 Feb 2017

Whilst our current chairman Mike Stubbs looks forward to his retirement later this summer, a new chair of our branch board has recently been elected, and will work alongside Mike from 1st April...

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David Murfin (BEM)

Posted on 31 Jan 2017

We are sad to announce and mourn the passing of David Murfin (BEM) aged 80 years. David joined Lancashire Police in 1961 and transferred to York City Police in 1966 and retired from...

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Police Sergeant Martin Metcalfe has asked North Yorkshire Police Federation to help him share the sad news of the passing of his daughter, with friends and colleagues.

Posted on 20 Jan 2017

HEARTFELT tributes have been paid to an “inspirational and determined” young woman from York. Amy Metcalfe, 25, died of pneumonia in Dewsbury Hospital on Monday. Amy, who was born with the genetic disorder...

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Funeral Arrangements

Posted on 18 Jan 2017

Bob Adams died suddenly on Wednesday 11th January 2017, he leaves behind his wife Kathryn, daughter Nicola and 2 grandchildren. Friends and colleagues are welcome to attend a funeral service at York Crematorium at...

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Job Related Fitness Test – Validated Alternative Test

Posted on 21 Nov 2016

I am pleased to report that, on the 2nd November, the College of Policing Professional Committee formally endorsed two validated treadmill tests as the best available alternative fitness tests to the 15-metre Multistage...

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The federation are pleased that MPs are talking about the unacceptable assaults upon officers.

Posted on 04 Nov 2016

Nationally, the Federation are pleased that MPs are talking about the unacceptable assaults upon officers. Read more here: http://www.polfed.org/newsroom/3835.aspx

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Press release nationally regarding single crewing of police cars at night:

Posted on 04 Nov 2016

Press release nationally regarding single crewing of police cars at night. Read more on the press release here: http://www.polfed.org/newsroom/3824.aspx

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Help the national office with research into Welfare and Demand

Posted on 04 Nov 2016

Help the national office with research into Welfare and Demand, read the blog here: http://www.polfed.org/newsroom/Blogs.aspx?item=99

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The Hub is a new addition to the national PolFed website.

Posted on 04 Nov 2016

The Hub is a new addition to the national PolFed website. It's your area to discuss relevant issues with colleagues around the service. Click the link here to access the members area: https://www.polfed.org/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fmembers%2f283.aspx

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Welfare Fund Properties in the Lakes

Posted on 14 Oct 2016

Bookings for the 2017 season at Limefitt Park and Fallbarrow Park will commence at 9am on Monday 7th November 2016. You can find further details of the properties on our website https://nypolfed.org.uk/member-services/welfare-fund Following a successful...

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Salary scales for 1st of September 2016

Posted on 01 Sep 2016

To view the revised Salary increments containing the 1% pay increase commencing 1st September 2016, please click here[assets/PDFs/salary-scales-from-1-september.pdf].

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Police officers in North Yorkshire are owed 8,500 rest days

Posted on 30 Aug 2016

POLICE officers in North Yorkshire are owed 8,500 rest days, and the force is "struggling to keep up with demand". This is the warning from the North Yorkshire Police Federation - the organisation...

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Police chief seeks £50k deputy

Posted on 30 Aug 2016

Mike Stubbs, Chair of the county’s Police Federation said, ‘It was refreshing that, up until now, our PCC had chosen to operate without a deputy. It is not clear why that situation has...

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Police cells closure

Posted on 30 Aug 2016

More police cells are to close within North Yorkshire, as Hambleton and Richmondshire suffer the consequences that have already occurred at Craven and Selby. Northallerton's cells will close for a six month period...

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NEW North Yorkshire Police Federation website launched

Posted on 30 Aug 2016

The new website has far more interactive information, including a new FAQ database, online e-magazines, so that you can keep up to date on the move, and far more information regarding how we...

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Police Pension changes and options for Police officers - An overview

Posted on 24 Aug 2015

You will have seen a campaign at the moment on a challenge to pension changes. In January this year as a Joint Branch Board and as a region (Region 2, North East -...

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Pensions Ombudsman's Determination On Commutation

Posted on 03 Jun 2015

A recent determination by the Pensions Ombudsman on commutation factors may have implications for police officers who retired from 1 December 2001 to 30 November 2006. This circular provides the background to a complaint,...

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Police Pension Scheme 2015 - Revised FAQs 270315

Posted on 31 Mar 2015

This document is designed to answer Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Career-Average Revalued Earnings Police Pension Scheme 2015 (“CARE 2015 Scheme”). Download Document.

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Cuts have consequences

Posted on 13 Mar 2015

An open letter to the people of North Yorkshire and the City of York from North Yorkshire Police Federation Since 2010, 17,000 police officer posts have been lost in England & Wales. To...

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Police Pensions Scheme 2015

Posted on 12 Mar 2015

Please click the links below for further details Police Pensions Scheme 2015 Members Guide Police Pensions Scheme 2015 FAQ's

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Read about the social justice movement.

Health Scheme Offers

Health Scheme

The Federation Medical Scheme is not an ‘insured scheme’. The scheme is open to serving officers of all ranks, members of support staff and their husband / wife and children under 21..

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Utilities Offers


The latest utilities offers.

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Financial Advice Offers

Financial Advice

The Police Federation mortgage team has been provided with a fund of up to £10 million by one of the top UK building Societies.

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Group Insurance Scheme

The Federation runs a Group Insurance Scheme in conjunction with Philip Williams & Co. + details